Legionella Management
We specialise in legionella risk assessments and monitoring programmes, identifying potential risks in your water treatment or distribution system. We also offer legionella sampling, an online legionella management portal, including electronic log books and awareness training.
Network Investigations and Management
With an extensive knowledge of network management, we can ensure that high quality drinking water is maintained at all times. Our services include commissioning and repairing drinking water mains, fire hydrant management, reservoir refurbishment and consultancy services during design phases.

Private Water Supplies
Water supplies that are derived from private sources such as private distribution network, boreholes, rivers and springs are subject to regular monitoring to ensure their quality compliance. Our team can risk assess and undertake monitoring regimes that include sampling of your private water supply and implement mitigation controls in line with the current Private Water Regulations.
Water Treatment
Our team can clean your water tanks to a high standard on a regular basis to ensure compliance. We also offer building chlorination services to ensure that your premises are compliant.

Water Quality Consultancy and Training
As well as our business-as-usual activities, we can help resolve water related issues / complaints and tailor our service to suit any of your water-related needs. Additionally, we provide sample training and water-related workshops for your teams.